It has been to long since I wrote here. We have been so busy lately that I don't have time to get anything done it seems. Here are a few things we've been up to.
First I'll start with Luke's Graduation from Preschool. I can't believe my "baby" is going to be starting Kindergarten in the fall!!! At school they had a little program for the kids to show the parents some of the songs they had learned over the year. It was pretty cute. One of the songs was "Down on Grandpa's Farm", I'm sure Gramps would have loved that one! Here are some pictures from the program.

Another thing that has been going on here is that Luke & Kurt have a babysitter come to the house 2 times a week for the summer. Her name is Kayla & she is a wonderful girl. The boys LOVE her & she loves them too. She brings her brother Wyatt along 1 day a week too. The boys love to play farm with him. Ben has know Kayla's family since he was a boy so we feel totally comfortable with Kayla being with the boys all day. We couldn't ask for a better babysitter. :) I'll have to get pictures of her & the boys so I can post them here.
We have also been busy taking Luke to Kinderball this summer. It is 2 nights a week for a hour. He is loving it!! They are actually starting to learn the fundimentals of the game & not just goofing around. It is fun to meet the parents of the kids too. Luke will be switching from HLWW school district to the Maple Lake district this year so it is nice to meet people in the district.
Kurt has been busy too. It hasn't all been about Luke...though it seems to be sometimes. Kurt is learning so much everyday. The vocabulary on this kid is amazing. His favorite words are Spongebob & SUCKER! The kid loves suckers & Spongebob. I don't know what it is about Spongebob but he certainly has my kids under his spell! Kurt is so much different then Luke was at this age. I tell you, he is STUBBORN...big time! If he doesn't get what he wants or if we say no to something, he has a FIT! The kind where he throughs himself down on the ground & screams. UGH! But then he is also sweet as can be. The kisses he gives & his smile just melts my heart.
Luke has also been busy having friends over. He had his first sleepover at Kade's (our neighbor) house & had Kade sleepover at our house one night too. He's had his buddy Jace over a couple times too. They love to play on the trampoline.It is nice to see both of the boys having a great summer. Oh & Taco (our cat) is going to be having babies any day now. We are so excited to see them!!
1 comment:
Congrats to Luke!!! LOL @ the farm song though... only in Minnesota, j/k!!
The second one is the harder one huh?? Gabby is giving me a run for my money that is for sure!
I was going to call you today to thank you for the message but I am to paranoid to talk on the cell and drive :O
Thanks for the call though!! Your the best! We need to email soon so I can get my Roxy fix! It's been so long. It's summer though so I barely have time to pee again.
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