What a weekend we had!! On Saturday morning we started our trip out to Ben's parents lake house in Western Minnesota. It is about 2 1/2 hours from our house so I wasn't really looking forward to the trip with the kiddo's, thank goodness we have a portable DVD player. We just had to listen to Spongebob talk the whole way. ugh! So the trip there was pretty uneventful & we go there around 1 p.m. We pretty much lounged around the rest of the day...laying in the sun & relaxing. Let me tell you we all needed the relaxation...we all work to hard!!
One of the reasons for the weekend was that it was Gramps' birthday. We had a great dinner & Granny made a REALLY good cake for us. YUM! It was a Boston Cream Cake, I'll have to find out how she makes it...or I could just let her continue to make it for us.
Here are some pictures of the weekend. The kids had great fun playing with Erik & Natasha. Jim, Dawn, myself, Ben, Jim, & Mary all enjoyed talking. Even though we live 2 houses away from each other, we don't really see each other that much. It was nice to get caught up with each others lives.
One bad thing that happen was Kurt got a sliver or something under his fingernail. We just thought it was dirt from all the playing he had been doing & didn't think much of it. But as Sunday wore on his mood just got worse & worse. After trying to figure what was wrong with him, I looked at his fingernail more closely & saw that it was puffy & black under the nail. I talked to my MIL & FIL to see what we should do. We all decided to try to get whatever it was out from under the nail. Guess who got to use the tweezers??? Yep, mommy! It took 3 of us to hold onto Kurt & try not to let his finger move so I could get under it. You should have seen the puss & blood that whooshed out of it! OMG, it was SO gross! I'm surprised I didn't barf! You wouldn't have believed how Kurt's mood changed after that! We have ended up having to do that 3 or 4 times now & he lost 1/2 of his nail on that finger, but it seems to be getting better now. Whew!
1 comment:
Looks like you guys had fun!! YUCK at Kurt's finger!!! EwwWWWWWwwww!!
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