I can't believe it has been 2 full years since I had Kurt. Why is time going by at a record pace these days? It feels like yesterday I was at work & my water broke! Here's the tale of Kurty McWurty...the little guy that is constantly testing us.
First off, Kurt was a HUGE surprise to us. Remember the tale of Luke? How difficult it was to get preggo with him? Yeah, that didn't happen this time around. I guess Luke shook up my insides because Kurt was a wonderful oops. I shouldn't say that it was really "easy" to get preggo with Kurt, I mean we tried & tried for quite a few months with nothing happening. Ben & I had just decided to be happy just having one amazing little guy. We also decided it was time to start building our dream house. We put our Winsted house up for sale & started digging the hole for our new basement. It was going great. We sold the Winsted house pretty quickly & ended up having to live with both sets of parents for awhile. ie...no whoopie for us. I mean it was happening very few & far between. That is why we were SO surprised when I was 3 weeks late with Aunt Flow. I just figured it was stress of building a house, I mean everyone tells you how stressful it is to build...right?? Umm yeah right! I took a test just in case. HOLY TOLEDO...it was POSITIVE! I've never been so flabbergasted in my life. I mean don't you have to "do it" for this to happen? I mean, I can tell you the exact place & time. Okay, enough about that. I don't need to go into detail. We were delighted to say the least.
Ben & I both hoped we would have another boy. I know that most would think that a boy & girl would be perfect, but not us. We wanted another one just like Luke. My whole pregnancy went pretty smoothly. We knew that I would have another C-section since I had one with Luke. It made everything so easy. What I didn't plan on was having my water break 3 weeks early while I was at work! How could that happen? I was in Eden Prairie & had to drive all the way to Buffalo...50 minutes away....by myself!!! CRAP! I called Ben right away & told him I was on my way to the hospital....then called my mom, sister, & dad. I couldn't call Jim & Mary because they were having fun in the sun in Hawaii. Oh & because they were in Hawaii, Ben had to go feed the cows before he went to the hospital!!! Can you imagine?? Knowing your wife is in labor & having to feed cows?? Ben, Luke, & my Mom all met me at the hospital (I was there first). I checked in & went to a room to get ready to have this little guy or girl. Once I was all ready they wheeled me into the OR. 5 or so minutes later, they showed me this beautiful little boy. I was SO happy to have another boy. I knew that Kurt & Luke would be the best of friends. So far I've been right.
Tomorrow we will have the families over for Kurt's birthday party. I'll post pictures of that tomorrow.
1 comment:
Feed some cows while your wife is in labor... lol! That sounds so funny to me! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KURT!!
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