Monday, March 17, 2008


This weekend we went car shopping! WOOT! I needed to get rid of the van SO badly. The gas prices are going through the roof & with the 40 mile drive to work each day, it is KILLING me! We needed a car that would get 30-35 mpg. After much discussion & a lot of searching we finally found the car we wanted. It isn't new but it is new to us.... 2005 Ford Focus. It is supposed to get 35 mpg & only cost me $30 to fill it up! YAY! My van was $70 a pop!

I love it! Luke is loving having the car also. We were cleaning it out on Saturday night & he was saying how cool it was. I asked him if we should name her (yes, my boys are rednecks...they name their cars)? Luke thought "Coolie" was a great name. So, now I have a car named Coolie.

Guess what I'm doing tomorrow night??!?!?

1 comment:

Monica said...

Are you going to a concert tomorrow?? I hear you on the gas!! Dang 70 dollars to fill a tank would totally blow my budget. Thank goodness you traded in! And it is not redneck to name a car!! My first cars name was Amanda =o)