My blog today is going to be about my first born...Luke James. I'll start at the beginning.
Once Ben & I got married we started to try to get preggo. I thought it was going to be a very easy process. HA, was I ever wrong. We tried, unsuccessful, for 6 months. It was the hardest time of my life. Everyone around me was having babies & everyone was telling me how easy it was for them to get preggo. I felt like I wasn't doing what I was put on this planet to do...have babies. So I went into my regular dr & asked what I needed to do. She referred me to Dr. Minke at the Buffalo clinic. We went into see Dr. Minke & he checked me out to make sure there wasn't anything blocked that was preventing us to conceive. Ben was checked at that time also...must to his protests! hehe. Since there wasn't much that Dr. Minke could do for us, he referred us to a reproductive specialist. There they did a lot more tests & more test after that. They found that I wasn't ovulating at all! Well, that's a big problem! So they gave me a pill called Clomid. It didn't work the first month & boy was I disappointed. I thought it was going to work right away...I was SO heartbroken. At this time I also found out a friend of mine just found out that she was preggo...knowing that they weren't even trying. The next month we tried again....that time it took! WOOHOO we were having a BABY! YES! What a wonderful blessing!
I was feeling like there was something different about my body so I picked up a test on my way home from work. I think the pharmacist knew me by name since I had bought so many tests! So, I did the test & there was ever so slightly 2 lines. I freaked out! I called my sister-in-law, Dawn, to see if I could bring the test to her to check out for me. She was a pro at having kids by the time this was happening! lol Anyway, I brought it over to her work & she said "Yep, your preggo!" YEEHAW! I had to tell Ben asap but he was over at the farm milking for his Dad that night. I couldn't wait so I took the test & drove over to the farm. I walked into the barn to find him & found him feeding hay to the cows. He was wondering what the heck I was doing there...I normally didn't help when he helped his Dad out. I told him I had something in my pocket that he needed to see. He went into my pocket & pulled out the test. He couldn't believe it! He picked me up & hug me. It was wonderful. He was SO excited.
The 9 months went by pretty uneventful. I gained A LOT of weight...40 something lbs. I ate like there was no tomorrow. We went to all of our checkups & everything was alway going the way it was supposed to. I started getting VERY uncomfortable the last month or so...I ended up sleeping on the couch most nights because that was the only place I could get any sleep. I think I was being prepared for the sleepless nights ahead. At our last visit with Dr. Minke we found that I hadn't progressed at all & that we should pick a date to be induced. We went into the hospital on November 21, 2002. They started an IV of pitocian & we waited...& waited...& waited some more. I slept most of the night waiting for something to happen. I never progressed past 3 cm. After 13 hours we decided to have a C-section. I tell you, it was like a movie or something. Once it was decided it only took about 1/2 hour to get everything set up & bring me to the OR. Ben got all dressed up in his scrubs & was brought into the OR after they had me all ready to go. I was able to see but not feel anything. It was a weird thing. Next they cut me open & out came the most beautiful baby boy....Luke James born at 3:00 p.m. on November 22, 2002. I've never seen anything more beautiful then when both of my boys were born. I was in love the moment I saw them.
I'm going to end there for right now. I will have more tomorrow.
1 comment:
Wow! Those pictures take me back! I dont think that I have heard this story before. I can not believe that is has almost been 5 1/2 years since they were born!!!!
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