Tuesday, February 26, 2008

In School Again

I feel like I'm too old to go back to school, but I'm doing it anyway. I enrolled in a community college a few months ago & am now a part time student. I am going to get my Associates Degree in Accounting. I don't really need to have the degree since I'm already working as a Staff Accountant but if I ever want to move up, move on, or whatever, I need that piece of paper. The first class I'm taking is only a 1 credit course on the fundamentals of accounting. It is a super easy class but I wanted something simple to get my feet back in the water.

Luke thinks it is really cool that I'm in school. He often asks me to see my homework & asks if I got a sticker on my papers. lol. He also wants to know why I don't get to ride the school bus like he does...he thinks I'm missing out by driving the van to school. :)

Let me tell you, it is hard to get everything done that should be done. But, I have Ben to help & support me. He is great. When I need time to do my homework I tell him I going to hide out in the bedroom. He then takes the kids & occupies there time. I couldn't do it without him. Actually, I don't think I could do anything without him. But that's for another post.

My next post will be about Luke...his likes, dislikes, etc. Then I'll do Kurt...just in time for his 2nd Birthday! I can't believe my "baby" turns 2 on Sunday!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Wow we haven't talked in sooo long! I can't believe you are in school!!! My sister who is graduating college in May just got a job making a dollar under what I make. ALL BECAUSE SHE HAS A DEGREE!! I have been working since I was 15 and she is just strating out... Ughhh... she told me to go back to school.. I doubt I can because Brian is never home. I told her I was just going to live off of his income forever, lol.
I can NOT believe Kurt is going to be TWO!! That is just crazy talk.