Tuesday, April 29, 2008


At least that is what Spongebob calls it. Luke started Karate lessons this afternoon. I am a terrible mommy & didn't take the camera with so I could blog about it. DUH! So, we decided to put Luke into Karate class after we talked to his Pre-school teacher a few weeks ago. She told us that Luke needs help with his confidence & to be able to stick up for himself. She said that there was a classmate that was picking at him...Luke just took it & didn't say anything. Now Ben & I have discussed our thoughts about school many, many times. I really didn't like anything about school. I wasn't picked on but I was so painfully shy that I didn't make many friends & had a really hard time in class...not wanting to be called on, etc. Ben was pretty much the same way. So, we really don't want Luke to have to go through what we both did. I did a little bit of research on the Internet & asked a few people their opinions. Everything pointed to Karate. It isn't a team sport, it helps with self confidence, self defence, discipline, etc.

In his class tonight, he wore his cute little white Karate uniform *I'll get a picture, I promise! He is in a class called the Mighty Dragons, there are 15 or so 4 & 5 year olds in the class. They were all so darn cute. They learned some kicks, chops, & how to bow to their teachers. I think this is going to be so wonderful for Luke. He is already really enjoying it & I am SO happy we did this for him.

Kurt had fun watching his "brobber" through the glass. He looked very proud of him. It is funny, Kurt doesn't call Luke by his name but he calls him "brobber" for brother. Too cute.

I have such wonderful boys. I am one lucky girl.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Oh my goodness!! I want to see pictures of Lukey doing KA RA TAY!! And video!!! I am going to beat up that little kid who is picking on him!!! I hate that stuff Alyssa goes through that too... she just cries and tells.